Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fall Festival 2010 - First Baptist Church

I'm a little late posting this. Have three new music videos, and also for the past six weeks I have been editing for First Baptist Church. This is a multi-cultural congregation, and they have an impressive Media Ministry. I currently play the role of Assistant Editor and have worked on group DVDs as well as their National Broadcast, The Winning Edge. One thing that is very important to me is to use my gift to uplift others, and I think this fits perfectly.

Last month, they [First Baptist Church] held their annual Fall Festival. Since I knew this would be a joyous event, I headed out with my T2i. They had a great turnout, as I'm sure they always do. There was all sorts of food and games, and plenty of sweet (literally) prizes. I got a bag full myself! Other activities included a magic show, face painting, dunk tank and hay ride. Go to the gallery.

FBC's neighbor is Antioch MBC, and this year their events were on different days, so I was able to attend both.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Feature Film - A Fighting Chance

a fighting chance

I had the pleasure of working with Dockyard Productions, for ESPN Films on the feature A Fighting Chance. This is a documentary style film about the MMA fighter Kyle Maynard. Kyle was born without arms and legs, but he did not let this stop him from living his life. Beyond being an award winning fighter, Kyle is also a motivational speaker and best selling author. The film gives a glimpse into Kyle's day to day life and travels with him as he prepares for his first official MMA match. The premiere is tonight on ESPN2 at 7:00pm EST.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gospel Fest 2010 - Antioch MBC

gospel fest

On October 30 this year, I went out to celebrate the Annual Fall Festival at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church of Oviedo. I am also a member there. Usually when shooting for a church, there is no money involved. This means I get to have some fun too!! This was my second year going out, and I was surprised to see my friend Bobby from First Baptist of Oviedo. I met Bobby when visiting FBC and have since been doing some Editing for their services. They have a Fall Festival on the 31st every year. Go to the gallery.

Monday, November 1, 2010

American Bully Kennel Club Dog Show

american bully pit bull

This weekend, I went out to the ABKC Dog Show in Orlando, FL. They had a great turnout, and some beautiful dogs. Had a few aggressive pits that had to go as well. The categories were broken down by age, and male or female. From there they chose the best from each category, and then the best overall. Nationals are on November 13. Go to the gallery.